Friday, June 27, 2014

Jane - Chapter Six

Barry Peterson had shown up unexpectedly to Donnatella’s birthday party. His twin brother also made an appearance with a platter of firecracker shrimp.
Regardless of their differences, Jane vowed to celebrate her daughter’s birthday without confronting her ex-lover.
Most of the town gathered at the Gray house to watch little Donnatella blow out her candles.
Yet, after the cake had been eaten Barry made the move and pulled aside Jane.
“It’s been a while,” he smiled flirtatiously.
“Yep,” Jane said shortly as she attempted to turn around.
“I know I haven’t been around, but I’ve missed you the whole time.”
“You’ve had amble opportunity to visit before. If you want to visit your daughter that is fine, but I don’t want anything to do with you personally,” She walked away with her head up and left Barry stunned.
Donnatella grew into a very adorable young girl. Although her attire didn’t resemble Jane’s style at all. After several attempts Jane gave up picking out her daughter’s clothes and styling her hair…even though it went against all her career principles. Though every day after work she made sure to sit by her daughter and help her with her homework. She did her best to be twice the mom she thought she should be to make up for Barry’s absenteeism.
Though with 4 generations living in the Gray house, there weren’t enough bedrooms for everyone. Donnatella took the study as her own. She slept in the bed that was originally for the butlers several generations ago.
She didn’t mind though. Like her great-great-great-great-grandfather Bobby she enjoyed playing with the chemistry set. Many nights after bedtime she found herself attempting to discover a new potion.
While Donnatella was discovering potions, Ginny was still very active at 117. She still played the drums, guitar and painted regularly. She also had the most active dating life of anyone in the household. She was out every night doing something new.
Benjamin, on the other hand, decided to give up dating once again. He had decided Louise had been his one true love. He preferred to occupy his time with the Gray pets.
With everyone happily occupied, this meant the Gray household was once again very calm.

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