Friday, June 27, 2014

Benjamin - Chapter Ten

Merlin had been an adorable, wonderful cat, yet it was his time to go.
After mourning his departed friend, Benjamin adopted Nashira.  With three pets, Nashira, Raiden and Cortana his home felt complete again, and he was one step closer on achieving his lifetime want.
Meanwhile Benjamin’s daughter Jane still woke up on the wrong side of the bed too often.
Yet, her moods never affected any of the boys at school.
If anything, she had too many offers to pick from for prom.
She laughed and danced the night away.
When Louise celebrated her next birthday and her hair began to gray, Jane was there to help. She colored her mother’s hair and helped plan her outfits. Something Jane found much pleasure in.
Louise thought that Jane had finally matured, and she could have the mother-daughter relationship she had been hoping for.
“What’s taking her so long?” Benjamin complained as he sat on the couch. He wasn’t looking forward to this costume party.
“I don’t know,” Louise sighed, “she said she’s dressing up like a cat this year.”
“Oh well cats are cool…” Benjamin trailed off as their daughter appeared in the room.
“Um,” Benjamin swallowed.
“Honey, you cant wear that,” Louise interjected, calmly as possible.
“Why not?” Ginny demanded her voice rising dramatically.
“How are you a cat?”
“Heeelllo,” Jane explained, “I have a cute button nose and whiskers.”
“I have no problem with the face paint,” Louise responded, “just with the lack of clothes.”
Cats don’t have bare bellies, Benjamin thought to himself silently on the couch. He really didn’t feel like getting in an argument.
Jane glared at her mother, “I think I look hot.”
Louise sighed, “too hot for a 16-year-old. Go change.”
Jane did appease her parents and change into a less revealing cheerleader costume.
The family first celebrated the festivities at the fairgrounds.
Then wrapped up the night with pumpkin carving and pie at their house.
Yet, something unplanned happened.
While carving his pumpkin, Boothby passed away.

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