Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rosalind - About

Rosalind is very naturally athletic. In addition to that she is also adventurous, brave, a lover of the heat, and lucky. Her lifetime goal is to be a superstar athlete. 

For the last generation, Rosalind has decided to make a huge change. How will it work out? 


Laura's long side note: I had been following my rule of having the oldest child become the heir(ess) of the next generation. Unfortunately, the longer I've played the Grays the more glitched the game has become. It started with minor annoyances. My Sims stopped having 'graduation' after transitioning into young adults. Then there were no food vendors during the holiday festivals. Then children weren't able to go to their scheduled after school activities. Although annoying I could still deal with this. Finally during Donnatella's generation things got bad. Marie disappeared from the family. She still was listed as a family member but her picture disappeared and just displayed a white box. I tried everything to fix this. I tried moving the family to a different house, a different town, everything. Since Marie was considered a 'child' I could not move without her and she'd crash the game when I tried to move with her. The game was so bugged at this point, it would take almost an hour to load the saved game and I would have to play it in speed 1 or else it'd freeze and crash. During her childhood Rosalind got a bug where she couldn't get into the house. Reset sim didn't work, she could still go to school and the gym, but that's why there are no pictures of Rosalind in the house as a teen. Donnatella also could not visit the laboratory/hospital which was very bad since that's where her job was! Anyway,  I really didn't want to send this legacy to the graveyard when I was so close on completing it. I decided Rosalind would be the heiress instead and that's why I wrote in Marie joining the Lucky Llamas. I pushed myself to play, even with all the frustrations, until Rosalind aged up into a young adult. As you'll see in the next chapter, I had to make a big change, but my game is finally bug free! Yippie! 

Since I'm already on a long side note. I did not write in Zac's affair. I really intended Jane and Zac to be happily ever after. Jane knew about the affair before I did :( I'm still heartbroken for her though it's probably my fault for believing a Sim with commitment issues could be faithful. 

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! I'm so sorry! I'm glad you pushed through though. It's so nice to see legacies finish.

    And I'm sorry that the game decided Zac was such a bastard. Jane should've gotten her happily ever after.
