Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rosalind - Chapter Four

Barrett had his bachelor party first. 

They started the evening by spraying champagne all over the living room.

Afterwards the 'help' arrived--although there wasn't much cleaning going on. 
Finally they rounded out the evening with some creepy hot-tubing. 

The next night Rosalind had her bachelorette party. 
Her's was much more tame (and less destructive) than her fiance's.

Although it did get more wild at the end once the 'cops' showed up.

After giving themselves a few days of rest and relaxation (and time to recover) Rosalind and Barrett had their wedding. 

They decided to have a cozy ceremony at their house. 

It was perfect. 

Even if the dancing could have used some work. 

Nothing could separate them now. 

1 comment:

  1. That was a beautiful wedding. I love the wedding gown!
